Language difficulties can present in one of two ways:
Receptive language difficulties - where a child has difficulty understanding the words that they hear. They may have difficulty following verbal instructions or may appear to be 'ignoring' adults or children around them.
Expressive language difficulties - where a child has difficulty or cannot express themselves very clearly through speech. These can be very common in younger children and should not be a significant cause for alarm.
The school works closely with a Community Speech and Language Therapist, employed by the NHS, who may assess and advise short programmes of work for home or school to undertake with the child. This is triggered by a referral from the school's Inclusion Team, in consultation with class teacher and parents. Once the 'episode of care' has been delivered, the child will most likely be discharged and monitored by the school.
Where a more serious speech and language difficulty is identified, the Speech and Language Therapist may decide to keep the referral open and continue to work with the child over a period of time. She will keep the child under review and will seek further support from other professional colleagues, if necessary.
Stammering is a neurological condition which makes it physically hard to speak. Someone who stammers will repeat, prolong or get stuck on sounds or words. There might also be signs of visible tension as the person struggles to get the word out.
Home Parents Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Communication and Interaction Autistic Spectrum Disorder
Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a social communication disorder which can be diagnosed by a Community Paediatrician after a period of investigation. Autism is a complex condition which can vary greatly in presentation from child to child. Autism can be diagnosed in children with a wide range of cognitive abilities. A referral can be made to the Community Paediatric Department by the GP or school. Before a referral will be accepted, the Department will need evidence that parents have undertaken a parenting course and have received the support of a Family Worker. This is necessary to rule out any other underlying causes for presenting issues.
The NHS have a very helpful page which defines Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD) available here: