Happy New Year! We hope that you enjoyed a relaxing break. Thank you all so much, not only for the wonderful cards and gifts we received for Christmas, but also for your support over the Autumn term.
We are looking forward to a short but exciting term, with some fantastic topics.
Year 1 and 2 will be finding out all about the United Kingdom, focussing on its geographical features. In Science they will learn about their 5 Senses. Their focus artist this term will be Friedensreich Hundertwasser and they will be studying Disco in Music. In RE, they will look at Christianity, supplementing this with a visit Cottenham Church.
Year 3 will continue their study of pre-Norman Britain by looking at the Roman invasion of Britain and its impact. Drawing inspiration from the mosaic work typically found in Roman villas, their focus artist will be the street artist Ememem. In Geography, they will look at Volcanoes and Earthquakes, using Vesuvius and Pompeii as a case study. Their Science work will focus on Forces and Magnetism. In DT they will be making Roman Purses. For Music, they will be looking at Reggae. They will have a Roman Day later in the term.
More details of all of these topics can be found on the Knowledge Organisers, which will detail exactly what knowledge is being taught in a unit. We hope that these will be useful when discussing your child’s learning with them. If you have anything you could help or support us with during this term, particularly with these topics, please let your child's class teacher know.
Labelling clothing
We are accumulating a large amount of lost property. With so many children wearing similar jumpers and shoes it is essential that all items are labelled so that we can return lost items to their owners. We would request that shoes, jumpers and PE kit are labelled.
Healthy Snacks
Over the last term, a number of children began to bring in chocolate, biscuits and crisps for their snacks. Fruit is provided for all KS1 children. However, should you wish to send a snack in with your child, we request that you avoid chocolate, sweets, biscuits or large bags of crisps.
A few reminders
- A reminder that children and parents should not enter the school building before school, even to put bags and coats on pegs. The children are provided time to do this after the whistle has blown.
- We are trying to encourage independence. Please leave your child in the line rather than accompanying them into the cloakroom.
- Don’t forget warm coats, hats and gloves (named please).
- Please make sure that your child has warm PE clothes in their PE bag for outdoor games and their kit remains in school all week. They need shorts and t shirts for indoor PE.
- We would also like to remind you that you are welcome to pop into the classrooms after school with your child to look at their books.
Key Dates for the term:
Tuesday 4th February- 1/2SR and 1/2 HR trip to Church
Wednesday 5th February- 1/2 TO, 1/2 GT and 1/2 LW trip to church
Thursday 6th February- House Day
Tuesday 11th February- Parent Consultation Meetings
Thursday 13th February- Parent Consultation Meetings
Wb 17th February- Half Term
Wednesday 5th March- Maths Workshops for parents
Thursday 6th March- World Book Day
Friday 21st March- Red Nose Day
Wednesday 26th March- Music Concert
Friday 4th April- End of term 2pm
Jess Scott