We have a short but busy half term ahead leading up to Easter.
Year 1 will be continuing on their quest to write in accurate simple sentences in English. Once they have completed their current unit by writing an information text about the senses, they will be working with ‘Eliot Midnight Super Hero’. Their new Tier 2 words for this unit will be ‘Urgent’, ‘Luckily’ and ‘Destruction’. In Maths, they will end the term with work on fractions measure and money.
Year 2 will also be completing their Senses unit shortly. Their final unit for the Spring term will have a close focus on tense. They will be using ‘The Storm Whale’ as their inspiration and their new Tier 2 words will be ‘raged’, ‘heaved’ and ‘exhausted’. Their Maths work for the end of term will be also focussed on fractions and measure.
In Geography, they will be considering the impact of the landscape on settlement in the UK. Their Science unit will conclude by investigating how our senses work together. Following their trip to the church in RE, they will be thinking about how Christians worship before moving on to the importance of Jesus to Christians.
Having finished their art work with some fantastic pieces inspired by Hundertwasser, they will now move on to DT, designing and making their own book marks. They will be planning their own ‘hook’ inspired by Disco in Music.
Year 3 will end the term with a non- chronological report about Roman Britain. Their focus for this unit will be paragraphing. They will focus on three new Tier Words; ‘typical’, ‘emerge’ and ‘detect’. In Maths they will end the term with a focus on Measuring Length and perimeter.
Their History work will conclude by discussing whether the Roman Invasion was a good thing for Britain. Before this they are looking forward to their Roman Day in a few weeks time In Geography, they will continue to look at both earthquakes and volcanoes and the impact they have on both the landscape and its inhabitants. They will end their Science unit by looking at magnetism. In RE they will be finding out about the followers of Jesus.
Their final piece for Art will be a mosaic, inspired by the work of Ememem. They too will be composing in Music but their work will focus on reggae and they will be using tuned percussion to perform. They will make their own Roman Purses DT.
It was good to meet with so many of you at Parent Consultation meetings. If you were unable to attend, please speak to your child’s teacher and they will endeavour to arrange an appointment.
A reminder that we have out Maths workshops next week. It would be great to see as many of you there as possible.
A few reminders
- A reminder that children and parents should not enter the school building before school, even to put bags and coats on pegs. The children are provided time to do this after the whistle has blown.
- We are trying to encourage independence. Please leave your child in the line rather than accompanying them into the cloakroom.
- Don’t forget warm coats, hats and gloves (named please).
- Please make sure that your child has warm PE clothes in their PE bag for outdoor games and their kit remains in school all week. They need shorts and t shirts for indoor PE.
- Please avoid sending sugary snacks in for break time
- We would also like to remind you that you are welcome to pop into the classrooms after school with your child to look at their books.
Key Dates for the term:
Wednesday 5th March- Maths Workshops for parents
Thursday 6th March- World Book Day
Friday 21st March- Red Nose Day
Wednesday 26th March- Music Concert
Friday 4th April- End of term 2pm
Jess Scott