
Welcome to Year 1/2/3

With the end of term swiftly approaching, we have an action packed final few weeks to term.  The children continue to work hard (despite the hot weather) and are relishing showing their teachers all that they have learnt over the past year.

Year 1 are finishing the term with a unit of work looking at lots of different poems.  Having learnt them and improved them, they will be writing some of their own.  They will be spending the rest of this term revising the Tier 2 words they’ve learnt this year.   In Maths, they have been working hard to find fractions of numbers and will end the term revising the 4 operations.

Year 2 wrote some wonderful reports about weird and exotic flowers.  They are now using a wordless picture book ‘Chalk’ to inspire their writing.  Their final Tier 2 words this year will be: ‘cascade’, ‘graceful’, and ‘tranquil’.  In Maths, they have been working hard to deepen their understanding of 2D and 3D shapes.  They will finish the year by looking at mass and capacity.

Following a successful trip to the Botanic Gardens, they will be ending their Science work by thinking hard about what plants need to survive.  They wrapped up their History unit with some fantastic essays about the impact the Great Fire on London and are focussing on Geography for the final part of the term.  Having looked at the climate of Alaska, they will now compare it to a small area in Ghana. Their Music work is linked to this, studying music from the continent of Africa, inspired by the story ‘Handa’s Surprise’. 

In Art, they have built up all of the skills to produce a magnificent final piece based on Klimt’s ‘Tree of Life’. They will be ending their DT unit by making their own toys containing wheels and axels.  The weather has been perfect for swimming sessions and the children are all enjoying these.  They were a credit to their teachers during their trips to the Care Home this month.

Year 3 are in the middle of their persuasive writing unit.  They will be finishing this with a persuasive text about Scandinavia.  Their current Tier 2 words are: ‘unruly’, ‘unproductive’ and ‘ridiculous’.  In Maths, they have been working hard to understand intervals of time and will finish the term revising money, addition and subtraction.

They are enjoying their History work and have been particularly engaged by Anglo Saxon ‘Crime and Punishment’.  They will be looking next at the success of the Viking Raids. They can’t wait for their trip to West Stow next week.  In Geography, they have been looking at Norway and Denmark and will move on to consider Sweden before comparing the different countries.  Their Science work has focussed on plant adaptations and they will complete the unit by comparing different Life Cycles.   

In DT, they are looking forward to creating their own boats, using the research they have done into floating and sinking as guidance.  They will be completing their Art unit with a piece inspired by Archimboldo.  They too are loving their swimming sessions and are impressing their teachers with the progress they are making.

Both groups have both Sports Days next week; we look forward to seeing you there.  They will also be visiting the Life Education Bus over the next couple of week.


A couple of reminders:

  •          Children should not be bringing toys into school unless this is a specific arrangement with the class teacher.  These often get lost or cause upset when other children wish to play with them.  Any toys which are brought in will be taken by teachers for safe keeping and returned at the end of the day.
  •          As the weather is very warm, please remember to send your child into school with a water bottle.
  •          The piles of lost property are growing by the day.  A reminder that jumpers and PE kits must be labelled.

Key Dates for the term:

Thursday 27th June- Transition afternoon for new Year 1 and 2 Pupils

Wednesday 3rd July- Year 3 Trip to West Stowe Anglo Saxon Village

Wednesday 3rd July- Transition afternoon for new Year 1 and 2 Pupils

Thursday 4th July- 1:15pm Year 1/2 Sports Day

Friday 5th July- 9:00am Year 3 Sports Day

Tuesday 9th July- Class Swap Day

Wednesday 10th July- Reports sent to Parents

Thursday 11th July- Summer Fair

Thursday 18th July- School Ends 2pm