

The Cottenham P.T.C.A.
What is a Parent, Teacher and Community Association (PTCA)?
The PTCA is an organisation that you, as parents/guardians, automatically become members of once your child has started at the primary school. You will be pleased to hear that there is no joining fee, and how involved you become within the organisation is up to you.

Why have a PTCA?
The main aim of the PTCA is to help support the school. It can achieve this in a variety of ways:
It can help parents:
· improve the school
· get to know each other - whilst taking part in a range of activities
· find out more about how the school works
· fundraise for extra items or services to enrich the children's education
It can help children:
· receive a richer education as a result of items bought by the PTCA
It can help teachers:
· reach potential volunteers and enthusiasts who may help with school projects
How has Cottenham Primary School PTCA achieved this?
Look around the school; it is not hard to see where the PTCA has made a difference over the years (interactive white boards, playground apparatus etc). Each year ,we organise events for parents and children including:
  • Fireworks evening
  • Winter and Summer Fair
We have supported financially extra-curricular activities such as:
  • Christmas productions, including the School’s amateur dramatics production by year 6 pupils and teachers,
  • Maintenance of swimming pool
  • Playground Equipment
  • Subsidies for School Trips
  • In addition we have organised a school uniform order service.
How can you help?
In a variety of ways, anything from:
  • coming along to events and supporting them,
  • volunteering to help at a particular event,
  • being co-opted onto the Committee to complete a particular task.
  • We are always looking for new people to help and inspire us.
If you are interested or would like more information then please do not hesitate to contact us via the school office on 01954 250227

Don’t forget to checkout our Facebook page, where we regularly share news of our activities.
Raising Funds for CPS PTCA
Our aim is to enhance the educational experience of every child at our school. We currently raise around £20,000 each year, with a great deal of our larger events involving the wider community from the village.

School budgets are under pressure, so the funds we raise are even more important. We now supplement classroom essentials as well as maintaining the school pool and providing funding for most of the curriculum enrichment activities that take place.

We couldn’t do this without your help, so thank you.
This is an online fundraising venture where the retailer makes a donation to the School whenever you buy something through the website www.easyfundraising.org.uk. It's very simple - just visit http://www.easyfundraising.org.uk to register and shop with over 2000 well known retailers like Amazon, Tesco, Argos, M&S, eBay and many more. It won't cost you a penny extra to shop through easyfundraising and you can even save money with special offers and voucher codes. You don't have to change the way you shop online, just go to the normal website via easyfundraising.org.uk, choose to support Cottenham Primary School and everything you buy will raise money for CPS PTCA. Anyone can register so please spread the word to family and friends!
We are excited to announce that we have launched a crowdfunding appeal to help raise the funds that make such a difference to our school.

If you are able to make a one-off donation or would like to set up a regular payment, however small, then our crowdfunding page makes it easy for you. We will also be able to collect Gift Aid on your donations, boosting them by 25%.

Donate to Cottenham Primary School PTCA

No gift is too little: small action x lots of people = big change.

Please can you also share news of the appeal with your family and friends and even local businesses and other local organisations who might be able to help our school. We would also be very grateful if you could share the appeal on your own social media platforms.
CPS PTCA Fab Fridays
PTCA Readathon 2025