
Welcome to Year 4/5/6

Happy New Year!  I hope that you all had a wonderfully relaxing and happy Christmas break. Thank you, from all of the staff in our Team, for the cards, gifts and words of encouragement that you gave us at the end of last term – they were all much appreciated. 


For details about what each Year group will be covering in their units of work during the Spring Term, please see the Knowledge Organisers that have been uploaded to our website. We do encourage you to read these with your children and talk about what they are learning at school. 


Further details about the Year 6 Activity Week (2nd6th June) will be sent out shortly, including more information about the Hilltop residential.  


As per the letter already sent out towards the end of last term, we have also made a booking for Year 5 (only) to go to Grafham Water Centre on Thursday 3rd and Friday 4th July (non-residential). Payment details can be found on your MCAS account 


The Year 4 production will take place in the first half of the summer term (dates will be sent out after the Easter break). 


Best wishes,

Rebecca Cole 

Deputy Headteacher   

456 Team Leader