
Welcome to the Spring Term in EYFS

February 2025 

Dear Parents and Carers, 

Welcome back to the second half of the Spring TermLast half term the EYFS team were so impressed with how hard the children worked and it is good to see children making progress in their phonics and their mathsWe are now embarking on the second half of the year and we are now working with the children to apply their knowledge and write and calculate with increasing confidence and accuracy.  

We would like to thank you for all the support that you give children at home, which is helping them to make good progress at school. Please find below this term's Curriculum Map, Knowledge Organiser and the new Talk for Writing texts – `The Gingerbread Man` and ‘Jack and the Beanstalk.  We are very much looking forward to teaching our history topic on Toys. Please encourage your child to talk to you and older relatives about the toys that you played with when you were children. 

We also like to have feedback about children`s achievements or comments at homePosts on Tapestry are both lovely to receive and give us valuable information when making assessments.   

Kind regards, 

Lucy James 

EYFS Information