Welcome back to the second half of the Autumn Term.
This half term is always busy and exciting with the lead up to Christmas.
Both Year 1 and will be working with Fairy Tales in their English work, with Year 1 focussing on ‘The Three Little Pigs’ and Year 2 ‘Little Red Riding Hood’. Year 1 will be working on using punctuation accurately whilst Year 2 will begin looking at adjectives and adverbs. Both groups will have a new set of Tier Two words: ‘unfortunately’, ‘greedy’ and ‘creep’ for Year 1 and ‘beautiful’, ‘delicious’ and ‘snarled’ for Year 2
In Maths, Year 1 will be working on shape, focussing on both 2D and 3D shape whilst Year 2 will be working hard to master multiplication and division. Ideally, we would like the children to be able to recall multiplication and division facts for 2,5, and 10 times tables at speed by the end of the year- any help at home with this would be greatly appreciated.
In other curriculum areas they will be continuing where they left off before half term. In History, they will be finding out about what people felt about Fen Drainage. In Geography they will start to think about how the land is used in the Fens. They will continue their work on Festivals of Light in RE by looking at Hannukah and Advent. By the end of term, they will have produced some superb art work inspired by Angie Lewin and enjoyed a number of the dances from The Nutcracker Suite by Tchaikovsky
Year 3 will be starting a unit of work focussing on a fantasy story ’The Tin Forest’. They will focus on using language and sentence structures to add interest. Their new Tier 2 vocabulary will be: ‘exotic’, ‘mingled’ and ‘emerged’. In Maths they will be securing their understanding of Multiplication and Division before beginning to work with two digit numbers.
Their Science work continues with looking at the digestive system. In History they will explore the changes to society in the Iron Age and they will complete their Geography work by explaining what mountains are and how they are formed . They will continue to work with Mozart’s ‘The Magic Flute’ and will be writing their own compositions over the coming weeks. In DT they will be making their own beakers and in Art they will recreate the work of Frida Kahlo.
All three Year groups will be completing a series of PSHE lessons for Anti Bullying week. They are also looking forward to the House Day next week.
Year 1/2 are just beginning to rehearse their Christmas Production. You should be receiving a letter with details regarding this very soon. If you haven’t had this by Monday 11th November, please let your child’s teacher know!
It was great to see so many of you at our Parent Consultation Evenings. If you did not attend, please speak to your child’s class teacher, who will try to arrange an appointment for you.
A couple of notices/ requests
- Please ensure your child is not playing on the ‘No Mow’ grass areas before school. Children should wait on the playground until the whistle has blown.
- As much as possible, we ask parents to refrain from coming into the building with their children at the start of the day
- A number of children are becoming persistently late. A reminder that we begin phonics sessions at 9am and those children who arrive late are missing vital learning.