
Welcome to Year 4/5/6

Welcome back after half term - it's incredible to think that we're already half way through this academic year!

This half term may be a short one, but it is packed full of activity and all sorts of opportunities for the children that will enrich their learning. 


Year 4 have begun the new half term by looking at persuasive writing in English and are building up to having class debates on: Should children under 13 be allowed to have their own mobile phone? They will then write up their debate as a piece of persuasive writing. In Maths, they are working on formal methods for division before moving on to fractions and decimals. 


Having learnt about the significance of the steam engine during The Industrial Revolution, children will next be learning about the importance of iron and coal as well as the development of the railways in Britain. In Science, the children have spent time learning about the different states of matter, their properties and how materials can change state when heated or cooled. They will now be focussing on how water changes state and the role that this plays in the water cycle. 


In Year 5/6, the children are completing a unit of work on discussion texts and will be discussing whether the policy of evacuation in World War Two was a good idea or not. They will then recap the features of non-chronological reports before going on to write a report about their own mythical creature. In Maths, both Year 5 and Year 6 are consolidating and extending their knowledge of fractions, decimals and percentages and will soon be moving on to working on statistics 


Having learnt about different types of sculpture and all about the life of Barbara Hepworth, the children will soon be sculpting with soap, inspired by her work. In RE, they have learnt about the Christian creation story as well as the Big Bang theory and all children should now be able to talk knowledgeably about the origins and features of jazz music thanks to their Music lessonsOur unit on Globalisation in Geography will culminate with the children writing a discussion text about the impact globalisation has had on their life. 


  • Communication: If you have any concerns about your child, please talk to your child’s teacher initially. If you need to email them, please send an email to the School Office and they will forward it on; we ask that parents do not email class teachers directly please. Should you wish to discuss a concern with a member of the Senior Leadership team, please email me: rcole@cottenham.cambs.sch.uk   


  • Homework: All children will continue to be set homework. For Years 4, 5 and 6, their Maths homework will be set on MathsWatch with all other homework being set on Teams. 


  • Other dates: 

World Book Day (costumes required): Thursday 6th March 

Key Stage 2 SATs information evening: Wednesday 19th March 

Red Nose Day: Friday 21st March 

End of spring term: Friday 4th April at 2pm 



Many thanks for all of your continued help and support; here’s to a successful end to Spring Term 2025. 


Best wishes, 


Rebecca Cole